Friday, 28 October 2011

Sushi Sushi

Yeah, this restaurant is literally called Sushi Sushi. Funny eeyyyyyyy???? eeeeeyyyyy??? No? Ok.

Anyways. I went here with my sister last weekend? I don't remember, LOL
We were planning on getting some crepes next door but they were closed by the time we left Sushi Sushi :(
I will get crepes next time and do a review on that store...

So basically, Sushi Sushi is a preeettyy old and small japanese restaurant. The owners are korean they had korean dishes too lol.

^ Located in Kitsilano (West Broadway, Vancouver)

^ cute cups ^Q^

I can' t remember what it was called but my sister got a bento box with terriyaki beef. The price at this restaurant are similar to the sushi restaurants around but as you can see, the price doesn't really match up to the portion given...

On the menu, it said: "fruit included"...the fruit is a thin slice of orange...okay.gif

^ I ordered tempura udon! 7$ Normal proportion of food!!
The udon was not horrible but I've had better. And the fact that the udon was COMPLETELY COVERED with seasame seeds was kinda weird...Idk, I didn't like that..but who knows, maybe other ppl do.

^seasame seeds...

Okay, all I've been doing is criticizing the food. BUT!! The really good point of this restaurant is the service! The lady serving us was really nice! She always smiled at us and asked us how we were enjoying our meal, refilling tea, etc. 
The service was kind of slow though...even though there was only 2 other tables other than us there.

Thats all for now!
This is Circle- signing out

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Orange Corner Cafe and QOOLA

On friday, I went to Metro with KMay and Grayshi.

 For those who don't live in Vancouver, Metro is the humongous mall that's in Burnaby. 

My original plan was to buy new shoes. KMay wanted boots and Grayshi had a huge list of crap that she wanted to get (which she listed on some new feature on her ipod..w/e) 
We were dying of starvation by the time we got there (7PM :( ) so we decided to go eat at a cafe just outside of Metro: 

^ Orange Corner Cafe
(BTWWW, the mall closes at 9PM so we didn't get to do much...)

Yeah. It was really located in a corner. A very discreet corner. I don't think I would've been able to find it if I was by myself. It was also orange.

^ Grayshi ordered pigs blood cake
I know that may sound really disgusting to some people...but it tastes very good LOL 

^ KMay and Grayshi ordered pork rice. Grayshi's came with one chopstick HAHAHA

^ KMay got bubble tea, it tasted pretty typical/average.
Grayshi and I were too cheap and asked for water (then KMay went hulk on us and knocked over the glass of water. /exaggeration)

^ I got kimchi hotpot! The soup and the kimchi was super tasty! I didn't really approve of the mushrooms and lack of meat though...
And why was my side dish corn when KMay and Grayshi got some tofu side dish..?!! I complain too much. 
The rice was very well cooked though, yeayer!

My thoughts:
1) Overall, it was a good meal but according to Grayshi, it was pretty expensive compared to Pearl Castle (taiwanese cafe in Richmond) 
2) They also have a variety of deserts available like crepes and cheesecake! Might try the next time I go there???

It was already 8PM by the time we got back to Metro..we shopped for half an hour and decided to get...


QOOLA is one of the frozen yogurt places in's the one nearest the skytrain station! It's self serve and pretty popular? I don't really know, I just assumed, since there were a lot of people there.

^ there were 6 flavours: vanilla, wildberry, chocolate, original...and I forget the other two, oh well.. quarity food brog

The guy showing us how the yogurt thing worked was all like:

"Yeah, so all the cups are one size and the price is based on weight. Usually, a cup would be about 7 dollars :) :) :)"

so we're like:  "k, thx"
but in our heads we were actually like:

"HOLY SH***T..EXPENSIVE. Alright, calm down, get like, 1/4 cup of yogurt and light weight toppings. /sweating"

In the end we were like: "phock this" and started loading on random crap. Our yogurts ended up around 4$ each.

 ^ tons of fruit to top the yogurt

^ there were tooonnsss of toppings! Pebbles cereal, gummy worms, chocolate chips and even mochi! I didn't open the lids and take pictures because there were a lot of people there (doesn't seem like so in the pic, haha) and that would've been awk.

 ^ I got blueberries (which were really sour, phock), yogurt chips, a huge scoop of butterscotch chips and reese's peanut butter cups on wildberry and original frozen yogurt :9 

^ Our toppings were strangely similar..hmm

Frozen yogurt is really, REALLY good but super expensive in my opinion. If you ever go there, I recommend not loading up on too many toppings since you might end up with a pile of toppings when all the yogurt is eaten. (This happened to me with the butterscotch chips /crying)

KMay headed home at 9PM and Grayshi and I decided to go get bubble tea at Pearl Fever on UBC campus..(yeah, we are kinda crazy) since it closes at 11PM.

After that, we all went home.

More on Pearl Fever in another entry!

This is Circle, signing out-


Hey waddap people!!
I decided my online alias is called Circle because my hair is in the shape of a circle, don't hate lol...

For a while I've been following a lot of beauty/fashion and lifestyle blogs and I decided that I wanted to make a blog too...!! BUT-- I really have no idea about shet like make-up and fashion and I don't wanna be bashed  if I make some bs'd entry on make-up tips or w/e LOL

SOOO I decided to make a food blog since I go eat at different restaurants quite often?

...Okay not really because I'm a poor university student...
Don't kill me if I do a blog post on some fast food joint coughmcdonaldscough.

But seriously. This is gonna be a food blog.
Edit: I changed my mind maybe I'll blog my life too just because.

Yeah, that's all I have to say for now. 
Stay cool, people.

P.S!! Check out these blogs, they are pretty fly: Grayshientity & Kelsi May

P.P.S.!! I seriously need to find a better blog layout : |