Saturday, 22 October 2011


Hey waddap people!!
I decided my online alias is called Circle because my hair is in the shape of a circle, don't hate lol...

For a while I've been following a lot of beauty/fashion and lifestyle blogs and I decided that I wanted to make a blog too...!! BUT-- I really have no idea about shet like make-up and fashion and I don't wanna be bashed  if I make some bs'd entry on make-up tips or w/e LOL

SOOO I decided to make a food blog since I go eat at different restaurants quite often?

...Okay not really because I'm a poor university student...
Don't kill me if I do a blog post on some fast food joint coughmcdonaldscough.

But seriously. This is gonna be a food blog.
Edit: I changed my mind maybe I'll blog my life too just because.

Yeah, that's all I have to say for now. 
Stay cool, people.

P.S!! Check out these blogs, they are pretty fly: Grayshientity & Kelsi May

P.P.S.!! I seriously need to find a better blog layout : |



    You gotta blog about sushi & Guu & ramen & yogurt & ... Mcd's. LOL. Thanks for the shout out by the way, bud ;D I'll make a food blog post when we go eat together sometime and post a ref to your blog like Cheesie & Xiaxue always do, lool.

  2. @KMay: AWWEE YEAHHHHYER!!!111

    you're welcome brah, anytime, anytime
